September 20, 2015

Comedy - Directing




JILL SOLOWAY:  All righty.  Let's see.  I made a promise.  Thank you, Goddess.  Thank you Goddess.  I promised the Goddess I would thank her.  So -- and Amazon.  Goddess first, Amazon second. 

And the Academy and Jeff Bezos, Joe Lewis, Ray Price, for giving me this incredible artistic freedom.  My producing partners, Andrea Sperling and Victor Hsu and Rick Rosenthal.  My crew, Jim Frohna, my cinematographer and the rest of the crew, my beautiful, beautiful writers, actors, especially Jeffrey Tambor and how you channel Maura (applause). 

My family, Felix, Isaac, and Bruce, who puts the music in the show and the music in everything.  My other family, my sister, Faith; my momma, Lane; and my moppa, Carry. 

Thank you, Moppa, for coming out and coming to L.A. and coming here tonight.  And something interesting about my moppa, Carry, she could tomorrow go and try to find an apartment, and in 32 states, it would be illegal for the landlord to look her in the eye and say, "We don't rent to transpeople." 

We don't have a trans tipping point yet.  We have a trans and civil rights problem.  So go to, and go to vote to pass the Transequality Bill.  Thank you.

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