November 10, 2003

Faculty Seminar Reception Held At Academy

Bonnie MacDonald compared the Academy's Faculty Seminar to an extreme makeover for college instructors.

"My students have no idea who's coming back," said the Rhode Island College instructor at a reception held at the Academy's conference center.

Faculty seminar participants and Academy staff gathered in the conference center to celebrate the conclusion of the seminar, which ran from November 4 - 8.

Each year, the Educational Programs and Services (EPS) Committee selects twenty faculty members from colleges and universities nationwide, giving them access to the Hollywood production community during a series of discussions, presentations and interactions with major studios, production companies and broadcast networks.

Phil Hoffman, of the University of Akron, found the lessons offered by the seminar almost overwhelming.

"I've learned more than I thought could ever be learned in the last few days," said Hoffman. "I'm probably tired as I've been in a long time. And it's made worse by the fact that I know that when I go back I have to redo everything that I'm teaching. So I guess, thank you."

Other participants considered the even t a valuable chance to meet and discuss teaching with other instructors.

"This was an excellent networking opportunity, and an excellent opportunity to share horror stories about what we do on a daily basis on campus,," said Cliff Edwards of Texas Southern University. "It gives the delegates an opportunity to go home and take the students and the faculty to the next level."
No matter what participants took away from the seminar, all of instructors agreed upon one thing: the program was a valuable experience.

"What an affirmation this has been," said MacDonald. "An affirmation that what we're doing is important."

Khalda Logan of Western Connecticut State University, Hap Lovejoy and Lorene Wales of Regent University
David Thomas of Ohio University and Price Hicks
Todd Leavitt and Nsenga Burton of Johnson C. Smith University
Diane Carson of St. Louis Community College, Karen Copeland of Eductional Programs and David Thomas of Ohio University
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